Mobile App Development

Mobile apps are ubiquitous these days and run on a wide array of devices, from mobile phones, to tablets and automotive areas. While you can access things through the web on these devices, an app can offer a smoother and more tailored experience. In comparison to web-based solutions, apps grant access to a wide array of device sensors, a smoother user experience and higher user engagement. By leveraging apps, one can effectively address challenges and explore new avenues for growth and innovation.

The App Advantage

A person sitting on a couch, scrolling on their phone

Higher engagement

People spend in average 3-6 hours / day on their mobile devices, 10 % of that on the web and 90 % in apps. Integrating push notification and location-based triggers, to get the users awareness of things happening close by, pushes further app interactions. These characteristics offer a mobile opportunity with much higher engagement and interactivity than the standard web.


Also, the conversion rates for shopping apps are much higher, up to 3 times higher compared to the mobile web. 

Screenshot of a conversation with an AI

On device AI capabilities

Modern smartphones have AI-enabled processors, allowing them to execute specific AI use cases directly on-device, without the need for a dedicated backend. More advanced AI scenarios can still be achieved by integrating server-based AI solutions.


Examples for on device AI possibilities:

  • Speech-to-text, text-to-speech, text analysis
  • Image, drawing and facial recognition
  • Health data analysis and pattern recognition


Access to a wide variety of sensors

Modern smartphones come with a wide variety of sensors, e.g. camera, lidar, NFC, Bluetooth, GPS, and more. This enables to create unique and innovative solutions to problems which can’t be solved in the same way by the web. Combining these possibilities with our UX, design and backend skills enables us to come up with ideal solutions.

What we do

What we offer

We at Stendahls are looking back at 15 years of mobile development expertise. We have built apps for many kinds of industries, spanning from automotive applications, over complex internal process tools, to educational apps for students and Internet of things solutions.


Our cross functional teams are experts in understanding business needs, breaking them down into goals and layout an achievable plan to get there.


Based on this roadmap we figure out what needs to be in place to reach the planned goals, this includes for example app architecture, backend infrastructure, business system integration, accessibility, and test strategies. All this will enable you to execute on your vision and goals, but still be in charge concerning pace, scope and costs.

Our six must-haves for successful app development

Mobile design & UX

Our team of designers specializes in creating beautiful and intuitive mobile app designs. Our team works closely with you to ensure your app’s design aligns with your brand and meets your user’s needs.

Platform development

We specialize in iOS and Android app development and understand each platform’s unique features and requirements. This allows us to create seamless and efficient user experiences and optimize for performance and functionality.

Quality assurance

We use cutting-edge tools and methodologies to identify any issues or bugs that could impact the user experience. With our help, you can rest assured that your mobile offerings will be reliable, functional, and user-friendly.

Security & Privacy

With our expertise in mobile security and privacy, we implement robust measures to safeguard your app, ensuring secure data encryption, user authentication, and compliance with privacy regulations like GDPR.

Analytics & Tracking

Understanding how your users interact with your app is crucial to its success. That’s why we offer mobile analytics and tracking services that provide valuable insights into your user’s behavior, engagement metrics, demographics, and conversion rates.

Accessibility audits

Our experts conduct accessibility audits to ensure your mobile apps meet the highest standards of inclusivity, enabling you to reach a wider audience and demonstrate your commitment to accessibility.

How to get started? Establish a Mobile strategy!

Mobile devices are the dominant devices these days and offer many advantages, but the question remains, when do we need an app? To find the answers to these questions a mobile strategy must be put in place. This strategy should layout:

  • A company or business-wide plan for approaching mobile technology, including apps, responsive web, and devices.
  • The mix of technology that ensures the organisation’s business goals are achieved.
  • Which solutions that best support the organisation’s internal and external users.
  • In which areas investments should be made to achieve goals or accelerate growth.
  • In what area a mobile app would be needed or useful.
  • Where in your user’s journey mobile should be the focus.

Mobile Strategy Creation

1-4 weeks / Fixed price

Prototype & MVPs

4-12 weeks / Fixed price

Mobile Team as a Service

Flexible pricing based on needs

A smiling person standing next to a whiteboard with multiple colorful postits

Mobile Strategy Creation

Crafting a solid mobile strategy is essential for success. Our strategists will work closely with you to define your mobile objectives, identify your target audience, and develop a roadmap for success.


We also provide consultation on best practices, emerging trends, and industry insights to help you make informed decisions about your mobile initiatives.


  • 1-4 weeks
  • Fixed price

A person sketching out design wireframes in a notebook

Prototyping and MVPs

A prototype or MVP is essential to get started or test ideas in a smaller scope. With it, ideas can quickly be tested and iterated on, potential issues can be found, and the UX/design can be optimised. Addressing these issues before moving to a full-scale development phase will save time and resources.


At the same time, an MVP can help gain stakeholder’s buy-in by providing a tangible representation of the company’s mobile strategy. This can help ensure everyone is on the same page and working towards the same goals.


  • 4-12 weeks
  • Fixed price

Person in front of computer with code

Mobile Team as a Service

This is about taking the ideas and lessons learned from the MVP phase to the next level to craft a full first version of your app.


We set up a team customised for your needs consisting of developers, UX experts, designers, data analytics, and testers.
This allows you to iterate on your products, services, and ideas as long as needed to achieve your business goals.


  • Highly specialised team
  • Flexible pricing based on needs

Person with VR headset is touching virtual abstract geometric shapes

Future Tech

In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, staying ahead of the curve is essential.


Integrating emerging technologies into your mobile strategy allows you to create immersive experiences that captivate your audience and drive innovation. Our team is well-versed in Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR), IoT Internet of Things (IoT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) solutions.


We can help you leverage these technologies to create engaging campaigns, promote a new product, increase brand awareness, or create the next generation of internal tools.

Want to know more?

Thomas Sempf

Mobile Lead