Upskilling Qmatic’s accessibility work

How we created a shared understanding and more self-sufficient accessibility work at Qmatic.

Image 4 - WCAG audit


Qmatic’s vision is to create seamless customer journeys that lets everyone access the services they need. They’ve put a lot of effort into making their customer management solutions more accessible, but have had to rely on external suppliers to review their services. The aim of the training was to boost the skills of the product design and development team by focusing on accessibility testing.

“We are very pleased with the training provided by Sara and the Stendahls team. This will help us improve our products to ensure greater accessibility for end users across Europe.”
– Johan Norrman, CTO



We adopted an impact-driven and iterative teaching approach and combined theory with practical exercises. During the four teacher-led sessions we shared information about laws, regulations, the WCAG standard, testing and tips for successful accessibility work. Between these sessions the participants were given practical exercises to try out different kinds of accessibility testing on their own.


Even before the whole training was completed, participants reported that the shared knowledge had led to more efficient accessibility work since everyone involved were on the same page. 

Want to know more?


Sara Lerén

UX Director