Project support for Hogia

From storefront to sales tool: How we supported an update of Hogia’s web strategy to present a focused, user-friendly site that drives growth and aligns the organization.

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Operating in a market with intense competition, Hogia was grappling with a fragmented site and struggling users. Like many B2B companies, they are in the middle of a digital transformation where sales processes change and the web has become increasingly more important. For the past two years, Stendahls has supported them in this journey. We have assisted in a variety of projects ranging from technical upgrades, to UX and digital design, to brand videos, and to copywriting for the web. It all comes together as a vision for the website as a sales tool. 

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At Stendahls, we believe in creating impactful solutions that drive growth. Our approach to this challenge started with a comprehensive health check and audit of the website. We did thorough stakeholder research which resulted in a solid foundation for all ensuing work. We proposed a data-driven approach to optimize their existing assets over time. A Key Performance Indicator (KPI) framework was set up to track the progress and effect of the implemented strategies. We also facilitated a workshop that included key stakeholders with the goal of clarifying the vision for their future digital presence, while promoting the transparency and collaboration which is vital in our work culture. We redefined the information architecture and positioned the website as a core tool to sell Hogia's products and services. We have delivered everything between strategy and individual design components. 

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Way of Working

Our collaboration was one that embodied our ethos of working closely together and sharing resources. Stendahls brought an outside-in perspective, which together with their team, knowledge, and open dialogue, gave us the conditions to move forwards and prioritise the work most important in every phase. We got to know each other very well, a factor that enhanced our collaborative efforts. Our teams shared resources in data analytics and development, ensuring that all aspects of the project were efficiently handled. This method reflects Stendahls' emphasis on cultivating a friendly and open culture where great ideas thrive. We have made good use of our experience in expert evaluations, data analysis, web surveys, stakeholder interviews, KPI framework and weighted value matrixes. The process has been iterative and developing over time, switching between information gathering, analysis and design. 

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Our intervention resulted in a more aligned organization with a clearer understanding of the benefits of working with a comprehensive web strategy. Our output also ushered in a new way of packaging their products, offering more value to their customers. The focus was placed squarely on the purpose of the web for Hogia's business operations. This increased clarity not only improved their internal processes but also improved the user experience on their website. (Currently under implementation).

What we delivered in these projects

  • technical upgrades
  • audit of web performance, qualitative and quantitative
  • benchmark and best practice summary
  • stakeholder interviews
  • future vision
  • strategy suggestions
  • KPI framework
  • information architecture
  • menu and navigation
  • page templates
  • stakeholder workshop facilitation
  • visual facelift
  • visual guidelines
  • basis for accessibility guidelines
  • copywriting

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