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You know what to do, say hey hey hey to our new Art Director, Sandra Bohlin!

Written by Anders | May 31, 2022 7:39:00 AM Z

Are you the type of person that skims through a text and just reads the keywords, or are you the one that looks at the picture and jumps straight to the end? Well, I got inspired by you both and decided to flip the order of the questions (Ohh daring!). I also highlighted keywords and made it short for you lazy ones. So let’s see what happens!

So, final question! What song gives you energy and will be the one you’re adding to the Stendahls Spotify list?
‘Hoppípolla’ by Sigur Rós
. The fact that they sing about nosebleeds and pools of water does not bother me at all. It’s in Icelandic. For me, the words can mean whatever I feel like at the moment. And it’s spicy! There is no song that I run faster to.

Who or what has taught you the most in life, and why?
My mom! She has always shown me practical action that you can do if you want to. Regardless of age, gender or social status. She is a real doer but never a show-off and has always put others before herself. I think it’s respectful.

What is important to you in order to thrive at Stendahls?
For me, it is essential to take part in the big vision to be able, both creatively and strategically, to deliver results that benefit the customer. Then all creatives need space for coffee, inspiration and ideas.

What will you be working on here?
I work as an Art Director for Husqvarna Forest & Garden. A whole new world for me. Working with such a stable, global company with incredible inventor genes feels fun. I’ve had time to test a saw with a fat chainsaw in a storm-felled forest and loved the power of the machine and being able to be outdoors! I’m considering changing profession…

What made you apply to Stendahls?
My image of Stendahls was a big, old, heavy player in our city. Full of people with solid excellence! It seemed to be a place where people thrive and stay for a long time. Which has been proven to be true.

Tell us a little about yourself and your background
In my teens, an interest in photography was born, and I wanted to take analogue photos and develop them myself in a dark room. That did not happen, but photography has played a big part in my life anyway. I have worked with final art and as a designer, among many other things. And for the past six years, I have worked as an Art Director at Dear Friends, where I participated in exciting projects and worked with fun clients.

First of all, welcome to Stendahls Sandra! Great to have you here! How does it feel? 
Thank you, it feels fun!

So flipping the order went just as good as I thought it would. Let’s see what daring copy stuff I’ll be doing next time! Until then, keep an eye out for Sandra and the work she’ll deliver at Stendahls!