Latest news from Stendahls

Stendahls welcomes new Art Director!

Written by Alice | October 19, 2021 6:00:00 AM Z

“I want to have dinner with Barack Obama.”

With an education in Art Direction from Berghs School of Communication behind her, as well as experience as a creator and Art Director, Josefin Fridlund’s latest post was with House of Radon. However, then Covid-19 arrived and pressed pause on the world. Since then, Josefin has occupied her time with sommelier studies and has longed to get creative again.

“It feels great to be here!” says Josefin. “And as a born and raised Gothenburger, there is of course a pride in being part of one of the city’s oldest agencies. With its fine reputation for creativity and healthy approaches to work and home life, it feels like a jackpot for any creator.”

At Stendahls, Josefin will work as Art Director with a focus on our client Sandvik, something she feels excited about.

“One of the fun things about communication is that you get the chance to learn and become a mini-expert in different areas,” says Josefin. “I long to learn more from my new colleagues, and maybe even get the chance to teach them and inspire them in return. I aim to be that spark of new energy in the team, someone that comes with different perspectives and new references.”

In addition to developing in her professional role, Josefin looks forward to the autumn when most people – hopefully – can return to the office.

“It’s such a bizarre feeling to start at a new agency and barely meet any colleagues in real life. When I met my closest colleagues for real, it almost felt as if I met celebrities I have only seen on a screen before!” says Josefin.

And speaking of celebrities; when the question of who she would most like to have dinner with comes up, Josefin does not hesitate for a second.

“Absolutely Barack Obama! I think he would be the perfect dinner guest regardless of the situation or type of event; he can be both funny, smart, charming and be the life and soul of the party without a doubt! ”

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