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Share of Search webinar now available

Written by Stendahls | November 29, 2024 10:04:28 AM Z

Imagine knowing when your brand is gaining or losing ground before it shows up in your sales numbers. That’s what Share of Search offers—a proactive signal for market shifts.

Discover how this early warning metric helps brands:

✔️ Identify market trends ahead of the curve.

✔️ Stay one step ahead of competitors.

✔️ Make confident, data-driven marketing decisions.

Join Senior Planner Sophia Emms and MyTelescope CEO Rodrigo Pozo Graviz as they share practical insights and actionable strategies.

Have questions about share of search? Let’s not leave them unanswered!
Reach out to Sophia Emms (, our Senior Planner, to learn how it can help predict your brand’s future.