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Mikael Högberg – awarded Sitecore Technology MVP

Written by Sia | April 22, 2016 8:09:00 AM Z

The Sitecore Technology MVP Award is handed out every year to a small group that strongly promote change and innovation in how technology operates person and customer interactions on a global scale. The award is also handed out based on involvement in the Sitecore community, both online and offline.

For almost 20 years, Mikael has worked with developing medium and large Internet applications. Today, he is primarily a developer in Microsoft.NET. His focus is on creating reliable, scalable, secure and high-performance web solutions. Mikael has been a speaker at several Sitecore meetings, participated in workshops with Sitecore’s own developers and contributed with a lot of improvements to the product.

Stendahls creates world-class websites and e-commerce platforms in several different languages using the Sitecore platform.