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Madeleine Idh joins Stendahls after eight years at F&B Inhouse

Written by Alice | October 19, 2021 5:38:00 AM Z

“I believe in trying to live in the present.”

Madeleine Idh has a degree in Information systems and has always had a big interest in humans, technology and the connection between them. For the past eight years at Forsman & Bodenfors Inhouse, she has worked with clients such as Volvo Cars and IKEA, but after several years working in the borderland between IT and advertising, she felt a desire for change.

“I have always heard very good things about Stendahls, which made me open my eyes to the company,” says Madeleine. “I like the size of Stendahls; that there is room to grow. Also, the company’s attitude towards its employees feels very sound.”

At Stendahls, Madeleine is now working as a Project Manager in the area of Platforms, where she hopes to be able to contribute with a new approach while using her previous experience working with major brands at an advertising agency. 

“In addition, I am a positive person who always tries to find solutions to problems. I like to have an overview and appreciate an ordered approach to things. I really look forward to be a part of Stendahls and meet all the wonderful people!” says Madeleine.

“Careerwise, I hope to develop in the role of Project Manager and learn from everyone’s experience here at Stendahls.”  

“I believe in trying to live in the present moment. Of course, it’s not always so easy, but the motto “to worry is to suffer twice” is a good reminder that everything has its time,” concludes Madeleine.

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