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Leadership duo takes over at Stendahls

Written by Stendahls | March 13, 2025 9:17:47 AM Z

Stendahls, which iO has fully owned for the past four years, has announced a change in leadership. The company's CEO, Henrik Segergren, who has successfully led Stendahls for over a decade, has been appointed as the Nordic Head for iO. Consequently, he is handing over the agency leadership to the former division heads of Design & Technology, Kaj Leissner and Branding & Communication, Karin Rödlix. Together, they will guide the agency forward.

"iO is growing at a great pace, and the Nordic collaboration is becoming increasingly important. This leadership change has been planned for a long time, and we are already seeing positive developments from it. Plus, I’ll still be at Stendahls’ office on Vasagatan 7 here in Gothenburg, so it's really a win-win," says Henrik Segergren.

"We're full speed ahead with lots of exciting things in the pipeline – it’s buzzing everywhere, and both clients and employees have responded very positively. This duo set-up allows for greater accessibility and faster decision-making, while both brand and tech perspectives set the course forward," says Karin Rödlix.

"It’s an incredible honor to take over alongside Karin, whom I already work closely with," says Kaj Leissner. "At Stendahls, we have been moving in the right direction for over 70 years. Thinking innovatively and leading as a duo is a strategically savvy move."

Karin Engdahl, Group Brand Director, iO / +46 761 336031