Leadership duo takes over at Stendahls

Henrik Segergren, after over a decade leading Stendahls, has been appointed as iO's Nordic Head, passing agency leadership to Karin Rödlix and Kaj Leissner.


Stendahls, which iO has fully owned for the past four years, has announced a change in leadership. The company's CEO, Henrik Segergren, who has successfully led Stendahls for over a decade, has been appointed as the Nordic Head for iO. Consequently, he is handing over the agency leadership to the former division heads of Design & Technology, Kaj Leissner and Branding & Communication, Karin Rödlix. Together, they will guide the agency forward.

"iO is growing at a great pace, and the Nordic collaboration is becoming increasingly important. This leadership change has been planned for a long time, and we are already seeing positive developments from it. Plus, I’ll still be at Stendahls’ office on Vasagatan 7 here in Gothenburg, so it's really a win-win," says Henrik Segergren.

"We're full speed ahead with lots of exciting things in the pipeline – it’s buzzing everywhere, and both clients and employees have responded very positively. This duo set-up allows for greater accessibility and faster decision-making, while both brand and tech perspectives set the course forward," says Karin Rödlix.

"It’s an incredible honor to take over alongside Karin, whom I already work closely with," says Kaj Leissner. "At Stendahls, we have been moving in the right direction for over 70 years. Thinking innovatively and leading as a duo is a strategically savvy move."

Karin Engdahl, Group Brand Director, iO
karin.engdahl@iodigital.com / +46 761 336031

Published 13. March 2025