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Länsförsäkringar – For everyone who will take over the world

Written by Sia | December 16, 2016 8:13:00 AM Z

Together with Läxhjälpen (a non-profit organisation that helps young people who are having problems passing their exams), Bris (the children’s rights organisation) and Friends (a charity dedicated to the prevention of bullying) and others, Länsförsäkringar Göteborg och Bohuslän is involved in several projects designed to help all children enjoy a better start in life. The goals of these projects include, ensuring young people get the support they need to get better grades, stopping bullying and exclusion and creating a safer everyday life for young children and teenagers – both at school and at home.

The “För alla” campaign was launched in December 2016 and contains billboards, web, digital PR, TV and cinema.