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Hey Xavier Gerin! Our new knowledge-hungry system developer

Written by Alice | October 19, 2021 6:43:00 AM Z

“I’m driven by curiosity”.

Xavier Gerin is a Software Engineer first and foremost, and most recently came from England where he worked as a technical leader, team leader and Senior Software Engineer.

“It feels great to be here!” begins Xavier. “I felt immediately welcome, everyone is friendly and easy to talk to and the office is nice. It seems that everyone at Stendahls has their own unique set of skills and are able to impact the way things are done in their own way, be it from a technical, functional or process point of view. I am very happy!”

As Xavier had no previous experience of Stendahls, he looked at the job opportunity with curiosity. During the interview process that followed, his interest in the role grew steadily through the image being conveyed – by both Stendahls as a company and by the position itself.

“The Stendahls values ​​- Passion, Honesty and Collaboration – resonate well with me,” says Xavier. “I like the size of the company as well; large enough to have the opportunity to work with different domains, but still human-sized and not bogged down by red tape. And the working environment seems great; from the people to the office space and the general atmosphere. Also, Stendahls works for a wide range of clients in different industries that I am not familiar with, so I am excited to get to know more about them.”

That the job involved a move to a completely different country is not something Xavier sees as a problem.

“I love learning new stuff, not just technical but in all sorts of domains. That’s what drives me to get into new personal projects and be excited about opportunities, like moving to a different country for a new job.”

At Stendahls, Xavier will work as a Systems Developer, where he believes that his knowledge, previous experience and constant curiosity will contribute new ideas and perspectives.

“I’m driven by curiosity. I really like understanding how things work in general, how something is made, what makes it tick”, says Xavier. “I believe it also helps me in my day-to-day work. It keeps my mind open when designing new solutions and also gives me the focus needed to get down to the root of complex issues and solve them.”

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