Latest news from Stendahls

A year of collaboration

Written by Sia | January 22, 2014 7:42:00 AM Z

Stendahls Creative Pop Up

What started as us borrowing a place for a workshop ended, with a comment from Erik, that we borrowed the whole premises, an empty shop at Kaserntorget, for a whole month. Stendahl’s first pop up-place, Stendahls Creative Pop Up, became a fact.

Most work groups spent their time at the premises, we had workshops within the company and together with clients, we hosted a couple of after works, and we surprised people. When we closed the pop up, people from nine different advertising agencies had visited us and wondered what we were up to.

Stendahls Creative Popup on Slideshare

Stendahls | Talks

During the year, we’ve used 30 lunches, what we call “Stendahls | Talks”, to get inspired. The lunches have been based on lectures, hosted by people from Stendahls and outside the building.
We have been many who have worked with these lunches during 2013, but as of now, the team contains Annie, Christer, Erik, Johan T, Josef and Tomas.

#30 iBeacons
#29 Building keyboards
#28 Place branding
#27 Unity
#26 Semi-Permanent
#25 Quadrocopters
#24 Husqvarna in Vietnam
#23 The Concept Bureau
#22 Internet hate
#21 The 100 Watt
#20 Video game development
#19 The Webb Days
#18 Trucks iPad
#17 The Naked Brand
#16 The Naked Brand
#15 Husqvarna in Siberia
#14 Fashion science
#13 Sandstens
#12 Cannes Lions
#11 Cannes Lions
#10 Cannes Lions
#9 Story lab
#8 Yimby
#7 The Walk
#6 Change design
#5 Language creativity
#4 GoViral
#3 Creatables
#2 Game Mechanics
#1 Peek-a-boo @ Röhsska

Film Mornings

The though behind our Film Mornings is to kill the, not so productive, time between breakfast and the first meeting of the week. During the year, a whole line of people have put together fifteen minutes of film connected to different themes.

#30 Lars: ”CGI Monster”
#29 Marie: ”Films I’ve made myself”
#28 Tomas: ”Workers”
#27 Mats-Ola: ”Visions of the future”
#26 Josef: ”Super Bowl”
#25 Christer: ”Most widespread of the week”
#24 Peter J: ”China”
#23 Ylva: ”Goodness”
#22 Kristian: ”Inspiring art”
#21 Daniel: ”Food”
#20 Marie B: ”Affected with touch”
#19 Annie
#18 Johan B: ”Cars”
#17 Christer: ”Celebrities”
#16 Christer: ”Case films”
#15 Martin: ”The craft of humour”
#14 Martin: ”Inexpensive campaigns”
#13 Michael: ”Uninspiring”
#12 Kristian: ”When feeling is the strategy”
#11 Kajsa: ”Campaign I wish I would have thought of”
#10 Mattias: ”Soemthing to eat, something to drink”
#9 Annie: ”Run!”
#8 Christer: “Films that have gone viral”
#7 Karin: ”Film that makes me cry”
#6 Simon: ”Classic British advertising films”
#5 Anna: ”Australian advertising firms”
#4 Erik: ”Visual Storytelling”
#3 Sören: ”Classics”
#2 Ylva: ”NYC Festival”
#1 Johan B

Stendahls | Labs

During the year, we’ve tweaked our old Friday labs that have taken place on floors five and six, to create Stendahls | Labs.
The idea is the challenge ourselves with new technique and to learn stuff. Several of the things that we have worked on during those Fridays, have been parts of sharp projects with clients. For example, iBeacons served a role in our Lucia-project.

In a short time, we will be releasing a separate webpage for Stendahls | Labs where it’ll be easy to follow what we’re up to.

Creative Digital Meeting

The purpose of our creative digital meetings is to keep a creative edge and width within the digital wok at Stendahls. We who are part of these meeting either work as, or have worked as, Web Creative Director, Web originals, Interaction Designers etc.

During 2013, we hosted nine digital meetings, on the last Friday of every month, with a break during summer and winter.

Maker lunches
In 2013, we had several Maker lunches, where we’ve gathered to figure out different problems and situations. It doesn’t matter if you’re digital or not, at our Maker lunches, it’s the willing to create and curiosity that counts.

The most obvious result of our lunches is that we now have a punch press at the sixth floor, and that two new products, Phold and Stendahls Bureau Egg, have been created. These two will be revealed more in 2014.

Share & Care

This is a forum for inspiration, exchange of experiences, development and quality control for those who work with graphic and production at the third floor.

Technical Tuesday

This is a meeting for inspiration for every developer at Stendahls. If you have something to share, you call to a meeting and run your presentation.

Dev lunches

Dev lunches are a way to spread knowledge, first and foremost within the Husqvarna projects at the fifth floor. New solutions are discussed that we think can benefit us in the future.


During 2013, we’ve taken part in several different conferences. For example CHI, Creative Summit, CAP&Design Live, The Web Days, Semi-Permanent and Content Marketing Day.
We’ve summarized the conferences at Slideshare and our “Stendahls | Talks” lunches.

We’ve also represented Stendahls as speakers. Examples of that are when Mikael spoke at Sitecore MVP summit and Christer at The Web Days, Pecha Kucha and Behance Portfolio Night.

Veckans Digitala

In the beginning, Veckans Digitala (This week in Digital) was meant to be a simple newsletter of inspiration from Per-Henrik and Christer. In 2013, it grew to be something both people at Stendahls, and people outside Stendahls could take part in.
During the year, Annie and Thomas S have become part of the team, and when we sent out our 107th letter, it went out to 767 people.